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Fear Of Flying Course

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Experience Video

Valid for 24 months, up to 6 spectators

  • A fear of flying is far more common than most think. According to research, up to 1 in 6 people have a fear of flying.

    We have put together a fear of flying course which will give you more knowledge of the processes in place when flying, but also the safety aspects which are in every aircraft that ensure you are safe. This is all carried out in the safety of our simulation centre.

    This course is instructed by a currently active commercial airline pilot

    The fear of flying course will last 90 minutes and consists of the following:

    - An overview of the physics of an aircraft – how it stays in the air
    The built in safety aspects of the aircraft
    - An overview of the systems within the aircraft
    - Discussion over the common misconceptions of flight
    - Audible examples of the noises you will hear when flying and what they actually mean

    After the above you will then be given time to fly the simulator which will consist of:

    - The Aircraft will already be started and awaiting takeoff on the runway of your choice – this is to ensure you have enough time in your session to fly
    - You will be given a brief introduction to the flight controls and various other systems in the aircraft
    - You will take control of the aircraft and execute a successful takeoff, guided by an instructor
    - After takeoff you will then complete circuits (essentially fly around in a set pattern) around the airport you have departed from
    - You will then be given instructions on how to prepare the aircraft for landing
    - You will manually fly the aircraft into the approach position on route to landing
    - You will execute a successful landing
    - During and after the flight we will then discuss any concerns that you may have or areas where you may not have felt comfortable.

    All sessions can be completely tailored to your needs to ensure you get the most from the session.

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